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Debt Consolidation – New

Debt Consolidation – New

What Can You Consolidate?
Debt consolidation loans use your homes equity to pay off high-interest debt such as credit cards, personal loans, and lines of credit.
Property tax arrears and Income taxes are something that Debt Consolidation loans are often used to pay as well.
Reduce Payments & Lower Interest
Accessing your equity to reduce your interest and lower your payments means that your debts will be paid faster and that those savings is in your pocket, not the banks. Although making the minimum payment means your not behind, you certainly can’t get ahead. Consolidating ensures that pay more principle, increase your cashflow, and gives you better options for the future.
Reduce Payments & Lower Interest
Accessing your equity to reduce your interest and lower your payments means that your debts will be paid faster and that those savings is in your pocket, not the banks. Although making the minimum payment means your not behind, you certainly can’t get ahead. Consolidating ensures that pay more principle, increase your cashflow, and gives you better options for the future.
Improve Your Credit
Lowering your monthly payments is one half of improving and maintaining a good credit score. How you utilize your credit is the other. If your debt exceeds 50% of the credit limit, you’re at risk of damaging your credit score. Equity loans help to eliminate that debt burden and strategically don’t report on your credit bureau. This allows for you to rebuild that score, re-establish good spending habits, and pay off your loan much quicker.
What Are the Options?

There are many great choices for how to consolidate.

  • Home Equity Loans & Second mortgages
  • Home Equity Lines of Credit
  • Refinancing
These 3 options are the primary ways you’ll be able to consolidate. Exploring all 3 is critical for finding the best option. By having these available to you there is an solution regardless of your current situation or credit score.
When to Refinance

Homeowners may choose to refinance for a few different reasons:

  • Lower mortgage rates save you money every month and mean that you pay less interest over the term.
  • Utilizing equity to access cash for potential renovations, starting a business, buying another home, or other projects.
  • Consolidate your debt – Homeowners can tap into their equity to eliminate debts and reduce interest rates with a more favorable mortgage.
Refinancing lets you access up to 80% of your homes value for one or all of the examples above, and anything else you may have in mind.
How to Refinance

When you choose to refinance is important. If your mortgage is coming up for maturity (the end of your term) you’ll want to consider accessing equity and lowering your interest rate.

If you’re considering refinancing before your mortgage is maturing, calculating your penalty is important. Doing this can help you decide if that is what’s best for you. Regardless of the penalty, the result may be that your new interest rate and your monthly payment savings outweigh the cost of it over the new term.

Refinancing can also help blend your mortgages. Refinancing is a useful tool if you have more than one mortgage on the property. Our mortgage calculators help us determine your ‘Blended Rate’ and build a new mortgage that makes more financial sense.

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