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Lead Questions

Lead Questions

Hi, this is (your name) calling from Lighthouse Lending, how are you?
Questions to Ask

Dynamic questions regarding goals:
What goals are you looking to achieve from this financing?
How will these goals change your current situation?
What is stopping you from achieving these goals on your own?
How have these goals, being left on the sidelines, affected you/ your family?

It sounds like you have a lot to look forward to once this problem is solved.
It sounds like you are feeling overwhelmed with ________ (insert problem)
It sounds like you feel stuck in your current situation.

If you are unsatisfied with the information you are receiving, mirror the response and then use dynamic silence to get a response.

What problems have you been facing that keep you from getting to your goals?
How are these problems affecting you/ your family?

It looks like you have a lot on your plate.
It sounds like you could use a break from all this pressure.
It sounds like there are other things that would benefit from your energy if someone could help you with this.

Summarize their goals and wait to see if you get a “that’s right” – Move on. If you do not get a “that’s right” they should avert to what you missed.

What type of urgency is there to get this wrapped up? – Is there a date you have in mind?

It can cause a shortfall or stop your deal from closing so it’s important to know now.

It can also cause a shortfall or stop you from closing

Income Questions
Co-Applicant Income Questions
Home Purchase Questions
Perfect. Now that I understand the problem (or goal), or the purchase options, would you be opposed to me sending you our application so we can get started on that right away?
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